MILO`s versatility, portability, range and high accuracy makes it the ideal choice for live-action shooting, animation or macro tabletop work. The MILO has a credit list of countless feature films. The MILO won the Technical Oscar in 1999 and is still the standard for motion control in the world.

Technical specifications
and general information
Access / Set up
The MILO together with 9 m tracks weights about 1 tonne and is ready for use after approximately 2 hours of set-up. The shorter the access ways and more even the set-up site, the quicker it is to set up the MILO.
The ‘clear width’ of the doors should be 2.20m tall and 1.50m wide. Elevator cabins should be 3.50 m deep and be able to carry 1500 kg load.
The MILO and its equipment is delivered on a 7.5-tonne truck (L7.50m, W2.50m, H3.40m).
Power supply
A separate power line for CEE 32, 63 or 125 Amp connectors are needed. Power connections to film lighting generators can be used without concern.
Mounting cameras / lenses
Most film, video and digital cameras can be mounted onto the MILO camera platform with up to 35kg.
Special control cables are available to provide sync at different frame rates to ARRI Alexa and RED and PHANTOM camera models.
The lenses are fitted with motion controlled focus/zoom/iris motors and run by the MILO.
The MILO is not sound-proof due to ventilation and the motor noises that it produces.
The MILO is not rain-proof since the electronics are built into the MILO directly. In such cases, the MILO can be shut down without losing any shoot data and covered on the spot until the rain has stopped. During light rain it is still possible to shoot if the MILO is partially covered.
On tough to reach locations it is recommended to have a prior set visit or location pictures.
The MILO can also be lifted with a crane. Lifting harness will be provided. The weight varies between 550 to 750 kg based on accessories.
The MILO can be set up on a platform. A forklift or crane (e.g. towing service) is necessary to set up the MILO atop the podium.
Further equipment for motion control model moving can be provided upon request. These include a big turntable (capacity to carry cars up to 2.5 tonnes), smaller turntables, tracks and motors to build custom solutions.
Download the full specs of the Milo here
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the Milo system, do not hesitate to get into contact with us.